How to Customize Jones Account Settings

Last updated: April 17, 2024

Both Jones and the Jones Procore integration are highly customizable. You can set up different settings based on your team’s insurance risk strategy. We recommend making these decisions when first getting started on Jones, but you can make changes at any time.

The Jones Procore integration can be customized based on how your team prefers to manage compliance. We’ll cover the following three choices you can make when setting up the Jones Procore integration:

#1: Procore to Jones account mapping - Do you need to combine multiple Procore accounts into one Jones account or multiple Jones accounts into one Procore account?

#2: Global Insurance Requirements - Do you want to create a set of requirements applicable to all your projects in Procore?

#3: Commitment-triggered COI Requests - Do you want to notify a user responsible for initiating COI requests whenever a new commitment is created in Procore without insurance documents on file in Jones?

There are three different ways to map data between your Procore and Jones accounts.

  1. One Procore account → one Jones account: This is the most common configuration and means that your company has one Procore account and will have one account on Jones.
  2. Multiple Procore accounts →  one Jones account: The Jones Procore integration can be set up for multiple Procore accounts to be mapped to one single Jones account.
  3. One Procore account → multiple Jones accounts: The Jones Procore integration can be set up for one Procore account to be mapped to multiple different Jones accounts.

Jones can also be set up to work with multiple "offices" in the same Procore account.

Your implementation manager will ask which setting you prefer during onboarding.

You’ll need to speak with your implementation manager or customer success manager to activate Global Insurance Requirements in your account.

Once activated, here’s how to create a set of Global Insurance Requirements (often referred to as annual insurance requirements):

Step #1:  Navigate to the Procore home screen so you’re not within a Procore project

Step #2:  Log in to the "Jones Procore App" under the "Apps" section on top

Step #3: Click the "Add Global COI Request" button on the upper right-hand corner

Step #4: Click on "Select Insurance Requirements" and scroll down to click on "+Add Custom Requirements"

Step #5: From there you’ll be able to name and upload your set of Global Insurance Requirements

Rather than using project-level requirements that only allow a subcontractor to be compliant for a single project, Global Insurance Requirements allow subcontractors to submit one COI and have it marked as compliant across every project in a company. This means a subcontractor only has to submit one set of insurance documents to work on any project on a company’s Procore account.

Want to learn more about Global Insurance Requirements? Read our blog post on how these requirements can minimize subcontractor friction and reduce admin work here. It covers:

The Commitment-triggered COI Requests feature eliminates confusion over COI collection by notifying the user responsible for initiating COI requests whenever a new commitment is created without insurance documents on file for the project.

Commitment-triggered COI Requests are only available for companies with Procore Project Financials.

To have emails sent to specific team members whenever new commitments are created in Procore without insurance documents on file in Jones, toggle the email settings accordingly under the "User Management" tab.

Toggle the setting "off" to disable these emails for users in your company. You can disable these emails for a specific Procore project or across all projects a user is assigned to in Procore.

Toggle email settings in the Jones Procore Integration

Want to learn more about the Commitment-triggered COI Requests feature of the Jones Procore integration? Check out our page in the Jones Procore integration Help Center here, in our blog post here, and video.

Outside of Procore, there are many different ways to customize your account in Jones based on your team’s insurance risk strategy and internal workflow preferences. We’ll cover the following four account settings you can customize in Jones:

#1: Branded emails

#2: Send automatic insurance coverage gap emails to subcontractors

#3: Send automatic emails to subcontractors about upcoming COI expirations

#4: Personal email settings

When getting started with Jones, your implementation manager will speak with you about branding all of the emails Jones sends to subcontractors with your company logo and colors.

Jones branded emails to subcontractors

We’ve found that branded emails have higher click-through rates and, subsequently, higher COI submission rates (unbranded emails may look like spam to subcontractors). You can also customize the sender email address, so all emails to subcontractors can look like they are coming directly from your company.

Learn more about how branded emails and other strategies can help your company achieve higher COI collection rates in our blog post here.

When subcontractors have insurance coverage gaps they will be marked as "Not Compliant," and you can set up your Jones account in one of the following two ways:

Email your customer success manager if you would like to turn on the Auto-Send Gaps functionality.

Learn more about the cadence of emails Jones sends to subcontractors for COI collection in our Procore Help Center page here on sending COI requests.

Your team can choose between two different ways of managing subcontractor COI expirations.

Email your customer success manager if you would like to turn on the Auto-Renwal functionality.

Each of your team members can select which emails they would like to receive from Jones.

COI is not compliant Jones email

Policy is about to expire Jones email

Compliant COI email from Jones

Jones email to unresponsive contact